Predictive Analytics App [tm]

Facebook Profiles and Pages

Release Date: TBA

CPredict FACEBOOK Likes, Comments, Shares, and Friend Requests by gender, age, status and geographic location depending on the kind of post (text, image, video) by the time of day and day of the week before you post. This simple one-tap App recommends when and what kind of post you should make to target the audience you want. It works on both Facebook Profiles and Pages.

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    Soapbox [tm]

    Create and Schedule Posts

    Release Date: TBA

    Create and share 4 types of post content: 1) straight text, 2) images, 3) audio and video recordings, and 4) blog page combining 1, 2 & 3. Instantly 1) create content, 2) schedule, and 3) share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Tumblr, and others. When your content is shared from a SOAPBOX [tm], an automatic backlink is created, keywords and metatags are embedded, and your content can be cataloged by Google, Bing, and other search engines thereby boosting the rank of your content. You may choose to protect your content with a password and even exclude it from public view altogether. A fantastic tool that can be used stand alone or with PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS and SOCIAL MEDIA DASHBOARD providing analytics and performance metrics for your various social media profiles.


    Re-release: TBA

    Manage and monitor your social media accounts from one social media dashboard. Our graphic user interface aims to be the most user-friendly in the market. We provide you with intuitive reports on your posts and social media account performance. Social Dashboard is used by individuals and companies to manage their social media presence and distribute content across multiple social networks and accounts using one simplified interface. Social Dashboard’s streamlined ecosystem attempted to enable users to be both projectors and consumers simultaneously while ensuring your content gets scheduled for delivery at optimal times to maximize the impact of posts to your personal and professional social accounts.


    We know how to be social